Thursday, May 6, 2010


Today We did a little bit of this:

Followed by some of this:

And some of this:

And some of this:

And some of this:

And then a little bit more of this:

So, would you come home already?

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Dear Dave

Well, it actually was a good day.  I just fell apart at dinner time.  I hate burning pancakes!

So, here is the reason that I don't get on the bike til late now:
The bike now belongs to this girl.

As the kids were getting dressed this morning she brought me a pair of Calebs underwear to put on her.  Too funny!  She wore them half the day.  It made me laugh.

How can you not just melt at this smile.
(Although the closeup of the carpet is pretty nasty)

My flowers that you so sweetly bought me look so pretty and the whole house smells really good.

 I mowed the 'lawn' in the back and found our peaches looking super yummy.  They are really sweet and juicy.  You have to lean over to take a bite because they are so juicy!  That was a nice surprise.

 The boys resumed pipe warriors when they got home. 

And I took cookies to the Davis' for Visiting Teaching.  I even gave her a message!  Yes, I am that awesome.  And when she asked why they were green I told her because it is her favorite color.  Yes, I am that good!

And then I came home and burned the bacon and the pancakes and lost my grip.  And now the house is quiet and I wish that I had the energy to get on that bike.  But I don't. 

Love you, Ang

Evening Acrobatics

Dear Dave

Monday was spent mostly with cookies.  What a waste of a day.  Today I contemplate wasting another day on cars.

He is a cute Mickey, but not as good as the lady on the blog.  That means that I have to practice more which means more cookies (and calories) and time.  Save me please.  Just forbid me from having this hobby.  Tell me no more.

After school Corry and Bryce played pipe wars.  This entails putting long pipes on the end of their marshmallow shooters and running around the yard yelling 'bang bang'.  There is an element of hide and seek and an element of running and sweating and in the end stinking.  They were able to enlist Morgan and Caleb as decoys to lure the other warrior into giving up their position by yelling 'bang bang'.  They had a good time with it and played until 7, which is when I finally stopped making cookies and threw some spaghetti together.

And of course I would hate you to miss our bedtime ritual of acrobatics.  Accompanied by shreiks of 'uh-uh'.  Her protest to being photographed.

As always, we love you and miss you.  Hope you are doing lots of good work and are impressing the powers that be.



Monday, May 3, 2010

Monogram Cookies

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Sunday afternoon

Dear Dave
We miss you. We didn't want you to miss out on our sunday afternoon fun.
This is what we did:

Morgan and Caleb played pirates. They needed pirate scarves and the scout scarves seemed to work our well.

This is the map they drew to the pirate treasure:

It goes through the snowy mountain, through the sticky mud, over the river, and past the 'ball'cano (yes, that volcano spew purple balls, hence it is the ball-cano)

Soon, the game was looking so fun that they recruited a whole crew:

Here they are very serious.  One pirate is too busy to be in the picture and another is too busy to even look. 
She went and got this book so she could look busy.

Here are their very most pirate-ish growls and Arggs.

Even the scurvy dog wanted a peice of this action:

Next was FHE where Morgan conducted like a giggling maniac and Caleb spent most of the time upside-down on the couch.  Corry does family business when you are gone and he was very official.  I gave a lovely lesson on hope.  I shared with them how I left my cell phone on grizzly rapids.  As we were getting out it had slipped out of my wet pocket.  As I got out I felt like I had left something behind.  I turned around and didn't immeadiately see it, but a second sweep with my eyes and there it was.  I knew right then that I had been prompted to turn around an look.  I was overcome by this feeling that if Heavenly Father cared enough to help me not leave my phone behind he would take care of the rest of our very important issues we are dealing with.  So I am trying to have faith, hope and trust in Heavenly Father.  Calebs bottom was still in the air.

Corry developed a twist to the fold the paper in three activity.  instead we each drew body parts and then put together bodies.  They turned out super funny.

And just one more supercheese from Chels:

 We love you.  Hope you are not too sad to be missing out on all the fun!

Love Ang